- Details
- Written by: webmaster
1. Revision of the annual development levy
- 20 000 frs for men out of home
- 10 000frs for women out of home
- 2 000 frs for men at home + labor
- 1 000frs for women at home + labor
- Guneku elements in the diaspora are encouraged to give more
Deadline to receive contributions is September 30th, every year
A circular letter should be sent to all GUDECA branch presidents informing them of the changes and let them collect the funds and channel them to the multi-purpose project.
NB. Living in Mbengwi is not considered home.
2. Creation of a daily market at Windig or use the existing Ngong market for a daily market. This will ease the sales of farm produce.
3. Setting aside a day of the week for a cleanup campaign where each household will clean its surroundings.
4. Revise fines for caught straying animals ( pigs, goats, sheep etc).
- Details
- Written by: webmaster
That on the 14th April 2016 at about 10am that Mrs. Fomuki Rebecca, Fon's Mother returned from Bamenda, she discovered that thieves had entered the house through the frontage of the house that is uncovered to the room where she sleeps and then punched the ceiling board through which they entered then opened the door to carry away properties.
1) Nyonge Vitalis of Mbeme village
2) Tah Pride – Student in GBHS Mbengwi
3) Mbah Blaise of New Bell Atuakom Bamenda
4) Ngwa Beckly
5) Fomuki Tabod a worker in Bamenda
6) Samson Fomukong Fombod of Mile 17 Mbengwi
7) Dzy Terrence a day student of GBHS Mbengwi
8) Supen Njoya D. a Boarding student of GBHS Mbengwi
9) Hans Fokwen the bikeman from Mbemi to Mbengwi
The simplified method taken by the youths making them friendly caused the realization of these items. They all accepted and freely presented them without arguments.
Questions to Nyonge Vitalis:
1) Which item you sold that has not yet been recovered? Answer: that only the Blood pressure machine that I sold in Bamenda for 10,000frs to a pharmacist.
2) Will he accept and give it? Answer: Yes
3) With whom did you carry out this act? Answer: Alone
4) How could you carry out these properties alone? Answer: I did it Patch by patch while observing that no one is coming.
5) Who directed you to this Palace considering that you live in Mbeme? Answer: I am not new to the Palace. I am used to it and had once stolen from the Palace. I know everybody of the Palace and with this hard times if I pop into the Palace, I most have something to take.
6) When exactly did you carry this act? Answer: 8 am the morning of 14th April 2016
7) How did you immediately carry these things away? Answer: I was transferring them to a nearby house where I kept them there till the night when I brought a bikeman.
8) When carrying, did the bikeman know they were stolen things? Answer: No because I had tied them in a bag.
9) Where did you carry them to? Answer: to Mbemi then 6am the next day to Mbengwi Mile 17 then Bamenda.
10) Where do you live? Answer: in Mbengwi Mile 17
11) With whom do you live? Answer: With Tah Pride form 5 student of GBHS Mbengwi
Questions to Hans Fokwen – Bikeman
1) What were the items you carried? Answer: I carried only the bag of rice and oil.
Questions to Mbah Blais: Who bought Blanket
1) Where do you live? Answer: At New Bell Atuakom Bamenda.
2) Do you know Nyonge Vitalis?: Answer: I do not know him. I bought blanket from him through my brother Ngwa Beckly for 16,000frs
Questions to Ngwa Beckly: The brother to Mbah Blais
1) Do you know Nyonge Vitalis? Answer: Yes, I had studied in Mbemi with him
2) Did you know this was a stolen good? Answer: No. Nyonge said to me he was going to the South West and had no money so want to sell his blanket to have transport so I told my brother to buy and he paid him 16,000frs
Questions to Fomuki Tabod – He bought a woofer, LCD TV, and a juice extracting machine
1) Do you know Nyonge Vitalis? Answer: No.
2) Who sold these things to you? Answer: Tah Pride
3) How much did you buy them? Answer: All were grouped for 40,000frs which I paid though he told me not to bring and use them in Mbengwi.
Questions to Tah Pride: an accomplish with Nyonge Vitalis
1) Do you live with Nyonge Vitalis? Answer: No
2) Do you know he stills? Answer: No
3) When you sell his goods where do you think he takes them? Answer: Nil
4) Where do you keep the money you sell? Answer: I quickly give Nyonge
5) Where are your parents? They are all of late.
6) Who then is your Guidant? No body
Questions to Samson Fomukong Fombod – He bought DVD
1) Do you know Nyonge? Answer: I do not know him but I use to see him around.
2) How much did you buy the DVD? 4,000frs knowing that it is possible for him to own a small device like that.
Questions to Dzy Terrence – He bought ½ bag of rice
1) What do you do? Answer: I am a student in GBHS Mbengwi
2) How much did you pay for the rice? Answer: 4,000frs
3) Where is the remaining rice? Answer: I have used half.
Questions to Supen Njoya – He bought a Carpet
1) Who sold to you the carpet? Answer: Tah Pride
2) How much did you pay for it? Answer: We agreed 13,000frs and I paid 10,000frs owing him 3,000frs to be paid later.
3) Tah Pride is a day student who could keep a carpet for his guest and friends but decided to sell it to you a boarder. Why did you buy? Answer: He said he does not like to keep this type of product. His house could be searched at any time and if seen he will be in trouble.
The Council Chair then proceeded to observe that Nyonge Vitalis and Tah Pride are the gang star. He asked them to pay in the money they had collected. Nyonge said he had used it. Nyonge was asked what he used the money for. He said he played Jambo (gambling) with his friends here in Guneku. He was then asked to list the friends with whom they gamble in Guneku:
1) Anya Hipopo
2) Kah Anya
3) Tangwan Napoleon and
4) Lesly
- Details
- Written by: webmaster
The meeting started at 1pm as follows:
- Prayer
- Attendance
- Welcome speech (by Regent)
- Installation of committees
- Presentation of New Project
- Installation of New Project Committee
- End of month meetings
- Other matters
- Announcements
- Refreshment
- Closing
Prayer: This was offered by the Rev. Pastor Mujem John who called on the Lord to bless and cover the land of Guneku, grant wisdom to the Fon of the village and the leaders put in place to run the affairs of the village, grant power and good health to the people of Guneku and the spirit of oneness so that they can live together and build the village.
Attendance: In attendance, 47 participants who are made up of the Committee leaders and their members, quarter heads and elites to witness the occasion. See attendance list attached.
Welcome speech: The Regent (Mr. Tebit Rudolf) was pleased to welcome everybody and said the committees to run the affairs of the village this year has some slight different from last year. He thanked everyone for the achievements of last year 2015. He reminded participant that the year ended with the coronation of our Fon by the Senior Divisional Officer for Momo who read the decree recognizing our Fon by the Government. He also reminded that on the 28th of December 2015, there was a fund raising gala night where the Fon was himself present and proposed a project which when completed will boost the image of Guneku and also create opportunities for studies for Guneku youths (The Multipurpose Hall and a Grandstand at Guneku Palace) He presented a committee that will manage the project. (see speech attached).
Installation of committees: Committees heads and members were called and introduced to elites and finally their heads were installed in their functions. See list of committee attached.
Presentation of New Project: The new project presented was the construction of the Multipurpose Hall and a Grandstand.
- Details
- Written by: webmaster
I have the honour to inform you that; considering the water crises affecting the village despite the several water supply sources for constant flow of water in the village, the need to motivate a water caretaker and treatment of the water, the GUDECA executive meeting held and decides that as from this year henceforth water annual dues shall be as follows:
1) Dues for those who have taps in their homes shall be 2000frs instead of 1000frs.
2) New connection to homes shall be 20,000frs instead of 10,000frs
3) Special us of water (moulding of blocks and building) shall be from 10,000frs based on the nature of your work.
4) Penalties for leakages of home taps shall be 5,000frs
5) None owners of private taps pay 100frs
6) Penalties for stopping the tap for unhygienic condition is 5,000frs contributed by the users.
I count on your understanding and attention to this notice.
Thanks for your usual cooperation.
13th April, 2016
Reference: 02/GUDECA/HB/2016
Cc: The Fon
Village Council Chairman